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Who We Are

Rearranging work, place, and time in a human-centered manner.

AifurTech Korea Inc. was established at the end of 2021 with the goal of helping every worker achieve the best work-life balance by reshaping the work-place-time framework in a human-centered way. We aim to harmonize work and life as seamlessly and comfortably as possible, ensuring that even the inevitable aspects of life are integrated in a way that enhances overall well-being.

As a result, through extensive R&D processes, we have materialized a smart office environment where all office workers can perform their tasks according to the type of work, without being restricted by location or time.

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Our Mission

We are on a mission to uphold work-life balance by addressing the following challenges:

무한 책임정신 : 고객의 안전과 행복에 대한 무한책임정신은 품질 경영으로 구현되며, 우리 사회를 위한 무한 가치 창조로 이어집니다.

가능성의 실현 : 하나의 목표 달성에 안주하지 않고 늘 새로운 목표를 향하며, 실패를 두려워하지 않는 도전 정신으로 더 큰 미래를 창조합니다.

인류애의 구현 : 인류를 위한 가치, 더 좋은 서비스와 제품을 더 많은 사람에게, 더 신속하게 제공하여 인류의 생활을 보다 풍요롭게 합니다.

Core Values


We continuously seek new ideas and approaches to drive progress and stay ahead.


We are committed to open communication and honesty in all our actions.


We ensure that our products and services are easy to use and available to everyone

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